I want to say this first and foremost - I waited almost 2 years to play The Callisto Protocol due to SEVERE issues with the game. So here I am, almost 2 years later finally playing a game and DLC that I paid for day 1 (the hype was BEYOND amazing for this game) and... I am ashamed of KRAFTON. I am ashamed of how short, how truly boring, how un-unique this DLC (and game) are. Below I will state MY opinion, MY experience and any Pros/Cons with the DLC, so let's get to it.
⚫ EDIT: The "latter" half of the DLC is set in a BOT factory which is the only new area this DLC adds. The rest is recycled from the base game.
⚫The Callisto Protocol™ - Final Transmission took me about 1 hour 27ish mins to do. For £12.79 this is what you truly call "SCAM" DLC.
⚫There is no "fresh" combat experiences at all in Final Transmission. it is the exact same thing you have been doing since the start of The Callisto Protocol.
⚫The NEW weapon "Impact Hammer" was HEAVILY teased in all the trailers and stuff for this DLC... guess what, you get it at the END of the DLC more or less and you only get to really use it on very little enemies and the ending boss. To me, this screams "FALSELY ADVERTISED".
⚫No one want's to spend 3-5 minutes running "FORWARD" to pick up a GATE FUSE to then have to walk back to get a "highly miss-able" achievement. This felt like an attempt to increase playtime on the DLC, am I right KRAFTON?!?!
⚫The price of the DLC is extortionate for what you get. In no way should this cost £12.79.
⚫The ending of the DLC... is absolutely stupid. Why make jokes? What a joke of a DLC. We should all laugh at the failure and possible "CLOSURE" of KRAFTON.
My Personal Opinion/Thoughts
KRAFTON is a company that did not test their game before it came out and they tried to "BLAME" it on other things and it really, truly shows with how BAD Final Transmission is. The reason for this being is how long it took them to make the DLC, fix the "bugs", Patch the game, Optimise the game e.t.c.
KRAFTON is a company that shows us that they didn't/don't care about "quality control" and just looked to line their pockets with our money and when called out for "poor quality control" the "head honcho" acted like a kid and blamed the first thing he could think of.
My Verdict
I say, speaking as someone that LOVES the Dead Space franchise with all my heart, coming to this and waiting almost 2 years to play TCP:FT or just TCP, it's a joke of a DLC (and game) that you should avoid at all costs. It has boring mechanics and a lacklustre story at best.
Overpriced. Falsely Advertised. Nothing unique. KRAFTON is a company I will NEVER support or trust again. 1/10. Avoid at all costs