Well, ok, I've been playing for a while for reviewing this game.
Just pros and cons:
A really rare case when you have no interest in asian culture at all you may deal with some cosmetics in this game and overall pretty decent combat mechanics and the graphics so far!
Character customization (face only with haircut and the body color) is the one of the strongest part of the game. You can pretty simple customize your character whatever you want with even importing photo or pic with face!
You have a good choice among the characters in the game. 19 characters in the game so far.
And looks like where all the pros end
Game interface is more like mobile game with overloaded of tons of annoying notifications and stupid window at the start opens daily.
You need very often click or hit the button twice during the game, whatever you want to grab a weapon or just drop something.
The most annoying thing is multiplayer lobby! You have to wait everyone in your lobby hit the "start button" to start matchmaking in 2024! So annoying and primitive! The devs still can't copy all that stuff they already copied from other games, but this basic thing!
Trash matchmaking with randoms. You can simply match with dude from bronze or gold when you're over 3,5k elo in 3k+ lobby for no reason. Which it is not possible to do so in your lobby at all, lmao. And those dudes are not smurfs they real newbies. "Balanced" matchmaking is a myth. Yeah, even when the devs finally turn game into f2p this issue still exist like you still get tons of bots in any lobby.
We all know whos this game and in-game censor so weird and ridiculous. The devs must keep all their local issues locally, tho. I won't even mention about that case with the skins, such a shame! We also facing all female characters too skinny and looks like there is the only one model with different faces and the skins, hah.
And the last thing about the "op chinese players" myth. Mb it was at the beginning when just a few players played this game facing dominating cn players in their lobbies. Now we're entirely dominating in our region, just no cap!